
Pictures: Klaus Messlinger

This is an event in the past - registration is no longer possible.

Please look at our Highlights page for an overview of past events.

Jan Nevelius & Friends – 10-Year Dojo Anniversary

(11–14 January 2024)

10 years ago, on 5 January 2014, the first class took place at Aikido Oberursel. We are celebrating this anniversary with an event featuring a selection of teachers who are close to our dojo.

The kick-off will be a class with Mats Ahlin on Thursday evening. Mats is a teacher at Vanadis Aikidoklubb Stockholm and holds the 4th dan Aikikai.

On Friday, four outstanding teachers will share their skills:

Jan Nevelius shihan, 7th dan Aikikai from Vanadis Aikidoklubb Stockholm, will teach on Saturday and Sunday.

In between the sessions we will take time to exchange with our friends during common meals and at our anniversary party on Saturday.

We ask for early registration so that we can plan well (see tab "Registration")!


Jan Nevelius & Friends - Past Appearances @ Oberursel

All Events At Oberursel

28.7. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

4.8. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

26.–27.8. Jorma Lyly in Oberursel: 2 Keikos (Aikido)

8.9. Beginners' Course 1/4 in Oberursel (Aikido)

9.9. Beginners' Course 2/4 in Bad Homburg (Aikido)

15.9. Beginners' Course 3/4 in Oberursel (Aikido)

16.9. Beginners' Course 4/4 in Bad Homburg (Aikido)

4.–6.10. Sonja Sauer in Oberursel (Aikido)

10.–12.1. Jan Nevelius in Oberursel (Aikido)

7.–9.3. Nora Weller in Oberursel (Aikido & Bukiwaza)

27.–29.6. Mats Ahlin in Oberursel (Aikido & Bokken)


11–14 January 2024


  • 20:00–21:30 — Mats Ahlin


  • 11:00–13:00 — Sara Wang & Cath Davies
  • from 13:45 — Lunch reservations at nearby pizzeria "Pisa"  Google Maps directions
  • 18:00–20:00 — Jacqueline von Arb & Sonja Sauer
  • from 20:30 — Dinner at the dojo


  • 10:30–12:30 — Jan Nevelius
  • from 13:15 — Lunch reservations at nearby restaurant "Linde"  Google Maps directions
  • 16:00–18:00 — Jan Nevelius
  • from 19:00 — Anniversary party at the dojo


  • 10:00–12:00 — Jan Nevelius
  • from 12:45 — lunch at the dojo
  • 15:00–16:30 — Jan Nevelius

More Information:

Please download the our information leaflet for the schedule (PDF). You will find all information on the meals in there.


TV Weisskirchen (TVW)
Oberurseler Str. 16
61440 Oberursel
(Dojo info)

Oberursel is located in the north-west of Frankfurt am Main (approx. 20 min by train or car).


Aikido Oberursel
Internationally educated instructors. Personal supervision. Free trial lesson. — Only 20 mins from Frankfurt.