Teachers and participants

It is common for advanced aikidoka to teach occasionally or regularly. We encourage our dojo members from hakama level upwards to teach classes from time to time. From black belt upwards, we assume that all aikidoka are prepared to take over lessons on a substitute basis when required.

Each teacher can bring their own personality and focus to the class. On request, the head of the dojo will give advice on the preparation and organisation of the lessons. He or she usually attends the classes as a participant. The head of the dojo and higher graded participants do not intervene in the lesson, do not act as "side teachers" without being asked and refrain from commenting on the content - the rule is that the teacher up front is respected as the sole authority on the mat, regardless of their grade.

Teachers may ask for feedback after the class, but are not obliged to do so. The rule "nil nisi bene" (only praiseworthy) applies to unsolicited comments. If feedback is requested, it will be limited to didactic aspects. Technical details are only commented on when the teacher has specific questions.

The seven virtues

The 7 teaching virtues help you with the preparation and organisation of training:

  1. Select few topics. Make a small selection of techniques or content, and allow for longer practice phases. Search for a common thread between the techniques. Identify suitable content by looking at the keiko diary, the technique heatmap or at the requirements for upcoming examinations.
  2. Explain clearly. Speak at an understandable volume and speed as if addressing the people in the far corners. Clearly state the names of the techniques immediately before and after you show them. Concentrate on the desired execution and avoid negative examples. It is not necessary to discuss every detail of the exercise; a clear demonstration from different angles is usually sufficient.
  3. Look for variety. Take different ukes of different levels to the front for demonstration. Show alternative executions for the different levels if necessary (with/without free fall etc.). Show variety also in the choice of techniques, so that, for example, slow (pinning) techniques alternate with faster (throwing) techniques in order to vary the tempo.
  4. Show patience and respect. Everyone learns in a their own way. Therefore, be patient and treat all present with the same attention and kindness. This also means that you always address every participant by name (find names and portrait photos in our member directory). If you cannot remember the name, ask the person to refresh your memory.
  5. Focus on the essential. Explain only one thing at a time to individual participants as you walk around, even if you notice several issues. When addressing an individual, start with mentioning something that the person has done well.
  6. Be a role model. Convey etiquette through your own example. This includes seriousness and responsibility for the group and the room. Always be on time.
  7. Own your mistakes. Making mistakes is part of your own learning process as a teacher. It is best to admit them openly and bear them with humour. Swiftly replace techniques that "don't work" by others instead of getting bogged down in a "but it has to work" attitude. Never apologise (unless you actually hurt somebody).

If someone comes for a trial class, approach them, introduce yourself as the teacher and ask for their names. Shortly before you bow in, when all participants are on the mat, introduce and welcome the newcomers by name.


Immediately after class

  • the teacher creates the record of participation and
  • writes the entry for the keiko diary.

Informationen on how to do this and where to find the entry forms are available in the member area.

TVW Club's Requirements for Trainers

As a department of a non-profit sports club, some special regulations apply to instructors and assistants:

  • Instructors/assistants must be officially registered with TV Weißkirchen.
  • An income tax declaration must be completed for the expenses payment of the trainer activity.
  • An extended police clearance certificate must be submitted (the club has a special form for this, so that the city issues this certificate free of charge).
  • Instructors must complete a course on child welfare, even if we do not offer special children's training in Aikido.
Aikido Oberursel
Internationally educated instructors. Personal supervision. Free trial lesson. — Only 20 mins from Frankfurt.