
Current schedule:

  • Monday @ LLSsummer break (cont. 5 August)
    • 6:30–8:30 p.m. Aikido
  • Tuesday morning* @ TVWsummer break (cont. 6 August)
    • 7:30–8:30 a.m. Aikido
  • Thursday @ TVW
    • 7:30–9:30 p.m. Aikido
  • Sunday @ TVW
    • 6–8 p.m. Aikido/Bukiwaza

We keep practising during the summer holidays (except on Mondays and Tuesdays)!

Want to give Aikido a try? During the holidays we have a lot of time to focus on beginners – especially on the two 'Platzwechsel' trial days on 28 July and 4 August.

* Requires separate registration by Monday evening

Updated on 21 July 2024 at 10:54 am

Everybody is welcome! Our current and previous dojo members come from Germany, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Czechia, France, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the USA, and Venezuela. — Please read about our values.


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what people say

Sabine Berbott"Aikido fascinates me with its harmonious, soft, circular movements, and at the same time it is a good mental challenge for me. What I particularly like about the keiko: the soundness and variety with different aspects (techniques, exercises with bokken and jo); the harmonious, benevolent and appreciative atmosphere in the dojo; the constant refinement of the techniques (the path is the goal) with adaptation to the circumstances as well as practising with Aikidoka of different levels. Aikido offers me an ideal balance to everyday life, teaches me to focus and keeps me flexible - also by 'jumping in at the deep end' when rolling and falling."
Sabine Berbott — 4th kyu, Aikido Oberursel More...

dojo events


Platzwechsel: Aikido
28/7 + 4/8/2024


Jorma Lyly
26+27 August 2024


Beginners' Course
8-16 September 2024

All upcoming dojo events...

regional events

The event entries below link to the organisers' websites whom we trust, but have no influence on whatsoever. By clicking on those links you release us from any liablity regarding these sites, their content and functionality (data protection, cookies etc.).


28.7. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

4.8. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

26.–27.8. Jorma Lyly in Oberursel: 2 Keikos (Aikido)

Full listing...


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0:49 min

Jiyu Waza
Nora Weller & Klaus Meßlinger in Hildesheim

1:52 min

Daisy-Chaining Drill
Kaeshi Waza @ Bad Homburg

1:56 min

Aikido in Oberursel
So üben wir // This is what we do

More on our video page and in our collection with videos of influential teachers...


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Aikido Oberursel
Internationally educated instructors. Personal supervision. Free trial lesson. — Only 20 mins from Frankfurt.