Breath throw with direct entry into uke (returning throw); also known as "sokumen-irimi-nage" or "kokyu-ho"
This technique emphasises bringing uke up on his toes and then stepping in, so that uke goes backwards to the ground. It is therefore very similar to irimi-nage. Unlike irimi-nage, however, it is not the front but the back of tori's arm that makes contact for the throw (it could therefore be described as a ‘backhand’ irimi-nage).
Kokyu-nage-naname is therefore also referred to as sokumen-irimi-nage; sokumen literally means "sideways".
Sometimes this technique is also called kokyu-ho, although it has a different movement pattern to kokyu-ho from suwari-waza.
Search "Basic Forms" page for videos showing KOKYU-NAGE-NANAME