
Picture: Klaus Messlinger

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Aikido Beginners' Course

(21—29 April 2024)

Join us for our international Aikido beginners‘ course!

In the 4-part introductory course you will learn the basics of this fascinating Japanese martial art.

Aikido is becoming increasingly popular as it keeps you focused, responsive and flexible and helps you to deal with conflict situations.

Aikido is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, admissions start from age 14. All of our instructors have an international background. Find out more under „Dojo > FAQ“.

Come in comfortable sports gear (track suit trousers and t-shirt with sleeves) if you don‘t have a judo gi. We practise barefoot.

Classes are held in German and English.


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Impressionen aus dem Dojo

All Events At Oberursel

28.7. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

4.8. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

26.–27.8. Jorma Lyly in Oberursel: 2 Keikos (Aikido)

8.9. Beginners' Course 1/4 in Oberursel (Aikido)

9.9. Beginners' Course 2/4 in Bad Homburg (Aikido)

15.9. Beginners' Course 3/4 in Oberursel (Aikido)

16.9. Beginners' Course 4/4 in Bad Homburg (Aikido)

4.–6.10. Sonja Sauer in Oberursel (Aikido)

10.–12.1. Jan Nevelius in Oberursel (Aikido)

7.–9.3. Nora Weller in Oberursel (Aikido & Bukiwaza)

27.–29.6. Mats Ahlin in Oberursel (Aikido & Bokken)


21—29 April 2024

Sunday, 21 April

  • 18:00–19:00 @ TVW Oberursel

Monday, 22 April

  • 18:30–19:30 @ LLS Bad Homburg

Sunday, 28 April

  • 18:00–19:00 @ TVW Oberursel

Monday, 29 April

  • 18:30–19:30 @ LLS Bad Homburg


Gym of the Landgraf Ludwig school (LLS)
Rathausstr. 13
61348 Bad Homburg
(Dojo info)

TV Weisskirchen (TVW), Oberurseler Str. 16, 61440 Oberursel, Germany
(Dojo info)

Bad Homburg and Oberursel are neighbouring cities, located in the north-west of Frankfurt am Main (from there it is ca. 20 mins by train or car). The two dojos are approx. 6 km/4 miles apart (directions on Google Maps).

Oberursel & Bad Homburg

Aikido Oberursel
Internationally educated instructors. Personal supervision. Free trial lesson. — Only 20 mins from Frankfurt.