
Picture: Klaus Messlinger

Aikido Beginners' Course

(8—16 September 2024)

Welcome to the dojo!

In this 4-part introductory course you will learn the basics of Aikido, a non-violent Japanese martial art.

Diverse movements, quick reactions and use of the whole body – this is what characterises Aikido. But what’s more, regular practice helps you to build self-confidence and to develop inner calm in conflict situations.

Our training includes a short meditation, breathing and warm-up exercises, rolling and falling exercises, and of course the techniques with the partners, which we make particularly beginner-friendly for this introductory course.

We practise various techniques from standing and kneeling positions, which are suitable for defence against grabs, punches and strikes. We aim to develop a good posture combined with a focused attitude to be able to neutralise attacks without anyone coming to harm.

Good to know!

Aikido is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. At our dojo, admissions start from age 14.

You may start with any of the classes, they only loosely build on each other. Naturally, we recommend participation in all four classes 😉

Our instructors speak English.

Checklist for the class:

  • Come in comfortable sportswear (long track-suit trousers, t-shirt), and bring a pair of slippers. We practise barefoot.
  • Please bring something to drink.
  • We meet 15 min before each class to set up the mats together.

And afterwards?

Participate in this introductory offer if you can imagine to afterwards train once or twice every week, and if you can make room for this in your diary starting immediately after the course (see our class schedule).

Membership of the TV Weißkirchen sports club is very affordable and covers all Aikido classes - more information on the club's website.

More questions?

Read our answers to frequently asked questions under "Dojo > FAQ". — copy & share this link

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Impressionen aus dem Dojo

All Events At Oberursel

28.7. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

4.8. Platzwechsel in Oberursel (Aikido)

26.–27.8. Jorma Lyly in Oberursel: 2 Keikos (Aikido)

8.9. Beginners' Course 1/4 in Oberursel (Aikido)

9.9. Beginners' Course 2/4 in Bad Homburg (Aikido)

15.9. Beginners' Course 3/4 in Oberursel (Aikido)

16.9. Beginners' Course 4/4 in Bad Homburg (Aikido)

4.–6.10. Sonja Sauer in Oberursel (Aikido)

10.–12.1. Jan Nevelius in Oberursel (Aikido)

7.–9.3. Nora Weller in Oberursel (Aikido & Bukiwaza)

27.–29.6. Mats Ahlin in Oberursel (Aikido & Bokken)


8—16 September 2024

Sunday, 8 September

  • 18:00–19:00 @ TVW Oberursel

Monday, 9 September

  • 18:30–19:30 @ LLS Bad Homburg

Sunday, 15 September

  • 18:00–19:00 @ TVW Oberursel

Monday, 16 September

  • 18:30–19:30 @ LLS Bad Homburg


Gym of the Landgraf Ludwig school (LLS)
Rathausstr. 13
61348 Bad Homburg
(Dojo info)

TV Weisskirchen (TVW), Oberurseler Str. 16, 61440 Oberursel, Germany
(Dojo info)

Bad Homburg and Oberursel are neighbouring cities, located in the north-west of Frankfurt am Main (from there it is ca. 20 mins by train or car). The two dojos are approx. 6 km/4 miles apart (directions on Google Maps).

Oberursel & Bad Homburg

— includes date, time & venue (per class)


Terms & Conditions

Participation is possible from age 14.

Participation is free of charge.

Aikido Oberursel is a department of TV 1889 Weisskirchen/Ts. e.V. sports club.

All participants must accept the dojo‘s terms & conditions for seminar participation, in particular our right to take photos and videos at this public sporting event for our public relations work (website, social media, print media). A copy of our T&Cs is available at the venue.


Immediately after your registration you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

It contains a link to verify your e-mail address, a link to edit your preferences, and a cancellation link that you may use any time and without stating a reason.

Please select the classes you plan to attend:

With your registration you confirm that you have read the event's terms (see 'Terms' tab), and that you accept them as well as our general terms and conditions, in particular our right to take photos and videos at this public sporting event for our public relations work (website, social media, print media).

We will use your personal data to sign you up for this event and/or send you our newsletters, and we will never disclose it to third parties. Once the event is over, we will delete your registration data. You have the right to view all your data stored with us, have it changed or deleted. Every e-mail that we send you contains an unsubscribe link. If any problems arise concerning an unsubscribe request, please do not hesitate to inform us via the contact form. Please read our disclaimer for more details. With submitting this form you agree to these terms and conditions.

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Aikido Oberursel
Internationally educated instructors. Personal supervision. Free trial lesson. — Only 20 mins from Frankfurt.