Our topics today:


  • TSUKI basics: posture, jabbing technique, levels (GEDAN, CHUDAN, JODAN)
  • Exercise for shifting the weight to the back leg for TSUKI
  • Short KATA with partner: GEDAN-TSUKI to the front knee (TORI turns out and protects the knee), lateral CHUDAN-TSUKI to the hip (UKE "wins")


  • Exercise from HANMI-HANDACHI-WAZA: frontal grip RYOTE-DORI, leading UKE down into sitting position, KOKYU-NAGE into backwards roll
  • Exercise from SUWARI-WAZA: leading from the grip KATATE-DORI into forward roll (hand turns and sinks, without force)
  • Exercise from HANMI-HANDACHI-WAZA: UKE stands behind TORI's shoulder and grabs KATATE-DORI, TORI leads UKE into front roll
  • Technique SUMI-OTOSHI from the attack KATATE-DORI: leading UKE into forward roll and breakfall

Keiko Heatmap

Look at our Keiko Heatmap to see how often we have practised the techniques of our curriculum.

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