Today we practised two techniques which are part of the 5th kyu exam. In both techniques, the attack was AI-HANMI KATATE-DORI.

  • MAE-UKEMI with arm stretched to the outside
  • UKEMI for IKKYO: touching the ground with back of the shoulder
  • AI-HANMI KATATE-DORI IKKYO in OMOTE (Z movement) and URA ("basketball pivot" movement)
  • USHIRO-UKEMI from kneeling and standing position
  • AI-HANMI KATATE-DORI IRIMI-NAGE - with IRIMI-NAGE there is no distinction between OMOTE and URA

Things these techniqes have in common: lifting and lowering your arms without force; in URA both techniques require a pronounced turning of the hips, accompanied by a pendulum movement of the arms.

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